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San Francisco State University

San Francisco State University Off-Campus Housing - San Francisco, CA

Find a Place Find a Roommate

San Francisco State University Off-Campus Housing

Since 2002, SF State has provided an online off-campus housing database to better help students find their home away from while attending college. We also provide a free roommate finder service designed to help students find that perfect roommate. Many great landlords have been providing that home away from home for many of our students for almost two decades now. We appreciate your support. Landlords post their first 30-day listing free of charge.

If you are interested in housing, apply early! Because San Francisco -- and the entire Bay Area -- is considered one of the most desirable areas in the country, housing is at a premium. Rents are high; vacancies are low. With demand so high, spaces both on and off-campus fill quickly. Students wishing to live on campus should check out SF State's housing options and are strongly encouraged to fill out a housing application before being admitted to the University. SF State does not guarantee housing to newly admitted students. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.